Quilting Acronyms -Terminology

August 30, 2016

Quilters Glossary

quilters terms, glossary and acronyms

Social media is all over the place.  You see acronyms like LOL, BTW, TOT and so on.  These are the more common abbreviations, but what does FART mean?    With tshirt quilts, we have several shortcuts that might seem Greek to you.   Earlier, I was watching a YouTube video and literally SMD (spit my drink) while watching silly animals.  These are some more commonly used acronyms that quilters use, not necessarily pertaining to tshirt quits.

What Do Those Letters Mean?

BITE    Beige, Ivory, Tan, Ecru  (Fabric background color choices)
BOB    Beginner's Only Block (swap)
BOM    Block Of the Month
BOW    Block of the Week
BTW     By The Way
B9P  Blooming Nine Patch  (quilt pattern)
COC  Cream on Cream (fabric)
CW   Civil War
D9P    Disappearing Nine Patch  (quilt pattern)
DH     Dear/Darn/Darling Husband
DSM   Domestic Sewing Machine (home sewing machine, not long arm)
DWR   Double Wedding Ring (quilt pattern)
EQ       Electric Quilt (a software package for designing quilts)
FART  Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
FG       Flying Geese
FIU     Finish It Up
FLIMSY   A completed quilt top, not quilted
FROG  STITCHING  - ripping out stitched seams (rip it, rip it)
FQ    Fat Quarter
GFG    Grandmother's Flower Garden  (quilt pattern)
GITERDONE     Get 'er Done! Term most often used for ancient or dreaded projects
HST    Half-Square Triangle
HSY    Haven’t Started Yet
HTH    Hope That Helps
ICE    Ivory, Cream, Ecru (Fabric background color choices)
IMHO   In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IMO    In My Opinion
ISO    In Search Of
LAQ    Long Arm Quilter
LC     Log Cabin  (quilt pattern)
LOL    Lots Of Laughter or Lots of Love or Laugh Out Loud
LQS    Local Quilt Shop
MAM    Mile-A-Minute (a modern version of crazy quilt block)
MAQ     Mid Arm Quilter
NQR    Non Quilt Related
OBW    One Block Wonder  (quilt pattern)
OT     Off Topic
OTOH    On The Other Hand
PHD    Project Half Done
PIGS    Project(s) In Grocery Sacks
QIMM    Quilts in My Mind
QST    Quarter Square Triangle
ROFL    Rolling On the Floor Laughing
ROFLOL   Rolling On the Floor Laughing Out Loud
SABLE    Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
SBS     Sunbonnet Sue  (quilt pattern)
SEX     Stash Enhancing eXperience
SID     Stitch-in-the-ditch quilting
SITP    Shakespeare In the Park  (quilt pattern)
SQUISHY   Envelopes filled with swap fabric or gifts sent/received in the mail
STASH   Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden
SUI     Shopping Under Influence (usually with a friend)
TBQ     To Be Quilted
TGIF    Thank Goodness It’s Finished
TOAD    Trashed Object Abandoned in Disgust
TOT    Tone-on-Tone (fabric)
TY     Thank You
UFO    UnFinished Object
WAYWO   What Are You Working On
WHIMM   Works Hidden In My Mind
WIP      Work In Progress
WISP    Work In Slow Progress
WIWMI   Wish It Would Make Itself
WOC    White on Cream (fabric)
WOF    Width of Fabric
WOMBAT  Waste Of Material, Batting, And Time
WOW    White On White (fabric)
WWIT    What Was I Thinking
YBR       Yellow Brick Road  (quilt pattern)

T-Shirt Quilts of Texas has been in business since 2006. We are happy to help you finish your quilt project. For more information about having a quilt professionally finished, just contact us and ask your questions.