How to Choose A T-Shirt Quilt Border Style For Your T-Shirt Quilt

October 22, 2018

Border Styles

We have several styles of borders that you can choose  for your t-shirt quilt.   First a few definitions so we all know what we are talking about.
borderssBinding is the finishing method that goes around the outside edge of the quilt.  It covers up the raw edges of fabrics and makes a nice finish.  This fabric is usually the same fabric as the outer border or backing of the quilt.

Borders are part of the quilt top and effect the finished size of the quilt.  There can be one or more of these, each adding to the interest of your quilt.

Read more about the difference between borders and binding. Many quilt/(blanket) makers just sew the shirts together, and finish it in one of several methods.  The CHEAP blanket guys, just make the top (see Terms), sew it pillowcase style, then top-stitch around the outside edge.  (Note: that is finishing the edge, but is not binding)   



Choosing a Border Style

The Traditional Border is our signature style that we have offered for over  fifteen years.  In this example, we refer to the brown border as the outer border.

Optional Accent Border - When this one inch border is added, it just adds a pop of color.  When using an accent border the cornerstones will match the accent.  This border adds a 2nd or 3rd border to your quilt.  Waaayyyy more than anyone else offers.

No Border - This is a new option that we are offering that is a little more economical or if you just want a smaller quilt. 

Minimal Border

Some folks offer a border made of other peoples t-shirts.  Yikes.. {creepy}. Do you want someone else's t- shirts included your quilt?  Yuck.  We either use your t shirt fabric or new fabric straight from the bolt to make your borders.  

Our borders coordinate with the t-shirts, sashings  and backing fabrics to make a complete looking quilt.  We only use quilt shop quality fabric, not the cheap solid fabrics - or sheets- or polyester fabrics to complete your quilt.  Your quilt is made with the highest quality fabrics, and are made to last for several lifetimes.

Choosing Fabrics For Your Borders & Sashings

School Colors, sorority colors, college colors or your favorite colors.  There is no rule for what colors to use.  What do YOU like?  If your school colors were red and green and you hate that combination.... no worries, we will do the quilt in  YOUR favorite colors.  It does not matter if your sorority colors are are pink and green,  if you like royal blue or purple, that is what we will use to make your quilt.

Your fabric choices will show on the front of the quilt and the back of the quilt.  This is YOUR quilt.  Your choice.  Just let us know.  We have over 800 bolts of fabric in stock, and can choose fabrics that you prefer.

Fabric Choices for a t-shirt quilt
You can select up to 6 different fabrics.

We recently took in a project where the customer selected more than the usual 2 or 3 fabrics.  Proud mama of a Notre Dame graduate, you can see why she made her choices. While she did not select a binding color, we will probably do it in a dark Navy blue that will tie it all together.

Don't Limit Your Options

These are YOUR shirts and your memories.  Don't let non-professionals [see Professional Quilters] give you a blanket or quilt that does not reflect YOUR taste for these once in a lifetime quilts.
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